Tuesday, 24 November 2009

How To Lose Customers Successfully

There's a lot of literature and theory out there about customer care, but what it all boils down to is a simple case of "Do As You Would Be Done By". How many get this wrong!

The fact that we have so many books, studies and courses tells me that we may be over-complicating things. Customers have one simple need - to feel important. I see a lot of writing on how to make incredible experiences happen, but underlying it are several basic steps that make all the difference.

Be Courteous:
By this I don't mean going overboard with syrupy platitudes, just treating people with respect and consideration.

Keep Your Promises:
If you say you'll do something, do it. If you say something will happen, make sure it will (and if you're not sure, don't commit). It's called "being reliable". People will trust you. Simple.

One thing that SO many get wrong. If someone writes to you or phones you with a question or complaint, answer it. Not responding (for whatever reason) is just plain rude. Customers don't like being ignored and this is a real business killer - they will tell their friends and the press.

If you got it wrong, don't try to cover it up. Apologise and make it right. You will not only retain a customer's loyalty, they are more likely to tell their friends how much you care.

Keep People Informed:
If you are handling a complaint and need more time, tell the customer and tell them why. Tell them when you'll next report in and make sure you do. Again, it's all about trust.

Be Consistent:
Too often, I hear stories of how people get told one thing by one person, and another by another person. This makes for inconsistency and lack of customer confidence. Make sure your staff are trained, informed and updated. Have regular sessions where everyone gets to say what is going on with them and to share any problems thay may have.

Get it wrong and you risk being in the position of "Being Done By As You Did"...



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