Friday, 29 July 2011

Improve Performance - Improve Communication

I recently wrote about empowering teams through information sharing. This article is about identifying those who don’t, can’t or won’t share information.

The consequences of not sharing information can be delays, poor service, customer complaints, miscommunication, mistakes, inadequate resourcing, stress, frustration, resentment, low morale, loss of business and even litigation. Sharing information shouldn’t be the exception; it should be the rule.

Not all information can be shared if it relates to a confidential new product launch or something similar that has to be kept “under wraps”, but for day-to-day efficiency and effectiveness, you have to share what you can share. Those who don’t can’t or won’t become a liability to the organisation and their colleagues. Here’s how to spot them…

• They’re usually in a rush or “busy”.
• They like to feel “needed”, important or both.
• They feel that nothing will go right unless they and only they handle it.
• They don’t have time to clarify things, so have to handle everything themselves.
• They frequently have crises that require people to “drop what they’re doing” and help.
• No one understands them (in their opinion).

Does this sound familiar? If so, the chances are that there’s an “information hog” in your office, company or team.

Allied with this is the inability to delegate. Delegation isn’t easy at the best of times, and takes practice. If you aren’t in the habit of sharing information, delegation is harder. If you have a crisis that needs solving, it’s going to take longer.

The way to change this behaviour? Show the person or people that it’s OK to share, that their position isn’t threatened but rather enhanced. You may need to play to their sense of importance for a bit, but if they open up, it’s worth it.

I have spent more than half my life working in different world markets from the most developed to “emerging” economies. With more than 20 years in the world financial services industry running different service, operations and lending businesses, I started my own Performance Management Consultancy and work with individuals, small businesses, charities, quoted companies and academic institutions across the world. An international speaker, trainer, author and fund-raiser, I can be contacted by email . My website provides a full picture of my portfolio of services.

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