Monday, 16 March 2015

Effective Engagement

Employee Engagement/Satisfaction surveys are becoming more common.  They’re designed to provide management with a one-off snapshot of the relationship between management and employees in an organisation.  Hopefully, this highlights potential disasters which can be averted or, at the very least, areas where improvements (not always obvious) can be made.

The problem with a number of the surveys that go out is that they define “engagement” in their own terms, usually along the lines of:
  • Approachability of management
  • Ability of management to listen
  • Interest of management in employees (career, etc)
  • Rewarding/interesting/challenging work
  • Compensation
  • Commitment to employees
  • Colleagues
  • Environment
  • Trust in management
…and other dimensions relating to involvement, commitment and productivity that may/may not actually be relevant to the business and industry in question.

In theory, employees who are more “engaged” should perform better and be less likely to leave than those who aren’t.  Studies have shown this to be the case, although one questions whether higher engagement is the cause of higher productivity or merely a correlation with it.

From a personal point of view, if I’m “happy” in my job, I’ll generally enjoy it more and be more productive as I don't notice that I’m “working”.  Taking this further, I know what I look for in an organisation in order to enjoy being there but my needs, whilst in many respects similar to my colleagues', will also differ wildly in others.  This can be due to:
  • Personal values
  • Education
  • Family values
  • Societal values

I wonder how many bank employees feel truly “engaged”, given the hammering that banks have been (and still are, in some cases) taking at the hands of politicians and the press.

So what does one do to “engage” employees?  To start with, treat them as human beings rather than “human resources”.  How often have we read in some organisation’s literature that its “most valuable resource is our people” only to see that these are just words.  Yes, you can’t treat everyone exactly the way they want to be treated, but just treating them as human beings would be a start.  Taking the view of “We pay them a salary” simply doesn’t work.  Other employers pay salaries as well - some pay better than you do…

Next, remember that your employees are capable of boosting business not just through training, pay and targets, but in the way they treat customers and each other.  A “great” organisation can be seen from the way it handles the people around it.

Then extend your “engagement” to your suppliers, customers, legal advisers, accountants and anyone else with whom you have contact (e.g. government inspectors).  Find out what they need from you to make their job (and, by extension, yours) easier.

Creating this culture needs a particular mind set that is prepared to be open, honest and willing to accept criticism.  This can only come from the very top.

I have spent more than half my life delivering change in different world markets from the most developed to “emerging” economies. With more than 20 years in international financial services around the world running different operations and lending businesses, I started my own Consultancy to offer solutions for improving performance, productivity and risk management.  I work with individuals, small businesses, charities, quoted companies and academic institutions across the world. An international speaker, trainer, author and fund-raiser, I can be contacted by email . My website provides a full picture of my portfolio of services.  For strategic questions that you should be asking yourself, follow me at @wkm610.

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