Swine Flu - Hygeine
You need to have a number of precautions in place to make your workplace as hygienic as possible to reduce the risk of transmission of flu. Medical advice should be taken on what these are, but consider:Having all members of staff wash their hands with anti-bacterial gel on entering and leaving the premises. Have a stock available at all times at entrances to premises and even departments.
Have them wear face masks (if you decide this is necessary) and again have a stock available at all times.
Encourage them to carry tissues at all times and use them to catch sneezes/coughs. Used tissues should be binned as soon as possible.
Work surfaces should be kept as clear as possible and wiped down at the end of the day with a suitable cleaner (seek medical advice as to what is appropriate).
Door handles, bannisters, railings, work surfaces, computer keboards, telephones and lift buttons are a particular source of infection - wipe them down every hour with a suitable cleaner (again seek medical advice - see above).
Make sure that corridors are mopped/vacuumed daily - particlarly in "high traffic" areas.
You will need to get medical advice on the most suitable products for the above activities, and to keep sufficient stocks available. Remember, in the event of a real pandemic, these may be difficult to obtain, so work out how much you need and acquire stocks while the going is good.
Have a local GP come in to speak to your staff on hygiene precautions. This shows that you are a responsible employer and may also be a legal obligation.
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