Friday, 1 May 2009

Swine Flu - Services

I have written so far about what business should be doing from an internally-focussed point of view. However, you need to think of the outside world as well. In particular:

Which essential services will you require to run your business and who provides them? This could be IT support, cleaning contractors, maintenance, inspectors, and (even) bankers! What precautions/plans do they have in place for a pandemic? Will they be able to continue servicing your business? If so, will it be full service, or "best efforts" as they may also be impacted by staff shortages? How will you handle visitors from companies where one (or more) of the staff have come down with flu? What will you do to compensate for a reduced service?

Equally, what is/are are the vital service/services that you provide to others? Will you be able to continue providing them if you have half your staff away due to illness, etc? What allowances will you need to make? What are your customers doing and what would their reaction be if they know that one of your staff had come down with the flu?

Cashflow will be critical. Is your business cyclical, with cash coming in only at certain times of year (and if so, is this the time when you are shortest)? Will your buyers be able to continue paying you? Will you need to make arrangements for extra finance with your bank (will they provide it, if not, what do you do)? Will your cash depend on your ability to honour contracts with clients? If so, will you be able to honour them?

There may be more issues to address, but this will (I hope) get you started!