I hear many people
saying “He/she was so lucky to get that business”, “He/she got where he/she is
today though pure luck,” or similar phrases.
I came across a great equation recently:
Luck = Preparation + Opportunity
Have you ever had one of those moments where everything just
seemed to fall into place? The right
person or customer came along at the right time, or the right circumstances
presented themselves just when you needed them?
It’s happened to me and my immediate reaction was “That was lucky!”
Thinking about it though, was it? All were circumstances for which I was prepared whether by education, planning
or having put in the work on something.
Sometimes, there was a considerable period of time between when I put in
the work and when I “got lucky”, but it happened.
At times, I’ve caught myself doing things and thinking,
“Why”. Sometimes my managers in the past
have asked the same question and accused me of “wasting time”. I had no answer to this, other than it seemed
the “right thing to do.” Also, I was
working on the project or concept during a moment of downtime when my mind was
wandering freely and came up with an idea.
The preparation is what we have control over. The opportunity comes in two ways: either we
create it or a chance remark, meeting or event creates it for us. Social gatherings and networking events can
be great opportunity makers, as well as chance encounters in airports or on
Whatever form in which the opportunity presents itself, we
have to be ready to recognise and grab it.
We may need to put in a bit more work to perfect the idea, or to be in
the “right place at the right time”, but it’s worth it. Equally, not every chance encounter, event or
social function will result in opportunities, so sometimes patience becomes a
I can’t count the number of times I’ve thought “That was
lucky,” but I do know that luck wasn't the only thing that played a part now.
I have spent more than half my life
delivering change in different world markets from the most developed to
“emerging” economies. With more than 20 years in international financial
services around the world running
different operations and lending businesses, I started my own Consultancy to provide
solutions for improving performance, productivity and risk management. I work with individuals, small businesses,
charities, quoted companies and academic institutions across the world. An
international speaker, trainer, author and fund-raiser, I can be contacted by email . My website provides a full picture of my portfolio of
services. For strategic questions that
you should be asking yourself, follow me at @wkm610.Labels: Career, Strategy
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